In my ceramics I strive for simple and bold forms and intense colors. My pieces are produced either by hand or cast in moulds in limited series. My ceramics is made of durable high-fired stoneware clays and the glazes I use are food safe. My career as a ceramist began with ceramic sculpture and later evolved to include utility articles and gifts, such as bowls and vases. I also sculpt custom-made cinerary urns to order.
In recent years my work has been increasingly motivated by themes related intimately to my own life, such as aging and grief. I'm trying to find a personal, three-dimensional shape of archetypal, shared emotional experiences. My artistic vision has broadened to encompass different materials.
I am more and more occupied by taking art photos and presenting those in exhibitions.
The location of our studio Pot Viapori on the Sea Fortress Island called Suomenlinna is a continuous source of inspiration. Daily ferry trips to and from the island are always exceptionally beautiful and invoke strong sensations.